EU-valet 2024


Nya EU-kommissionen

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Vid ett möte med xxxxxxx ha kommissionsordföranden Van der Leyen presenterat det nya kollegiet för parlamentet. Kollegiet är baserat på de framarbetade politiska riktlinjerna, Förslaget till kommissionen är resultat av intensiva veckor av förhandlingar med medlemsländerna.

Först talade VdL om några principer och om innehåll och sedan gå till kommissionärerna och portföljerna,

Det allra första steget som togs var att att definiera kärnprioriteringar utifrån de politiska riktlinjerna utan att rangordna dem.

I have presented to the parliament the pled structure and content of uh the new college so the new college is basically based on our political guidelines we've worked on those together and this is the foundation this is the basis for the structure of the college and the work of the college then uh we had intensive weeks of negotiations with the member states and um therefore I want first of all to speak about some principles and about content and then go to the topic of structure Commissioners and portfolios the very first step that we did is deducted from the political guidelines to Define our core priorities and um they are built as you know and it's no ranking around


Prosperity security democracy this is

the over overarching these are the

overarching topics and this all happens

against a

backdrop of competitiveness that we need

competitiveness for the twin transitions

the decarbonization and the

digitalization of our

economies um I'm emphasizing that

because of course these topics are also

very much intertwined they are

cross-cutting um the whole college is

committed to the topic of

competitiveness decarbonization and

digitalization so this time with this

new College we have kind of dissipated

the former relatively rigid stove pipes

that we had um and this is one of the

main recommendation of the dragi report

more fluid more intertwined more

coordination of the different

policies now let me brief ly introduce

and it's again no ranking um the six

main topics first it's about

strengthening our tax sovereignity our

security and our

democracy for that we want to build a

competitive decarbonized and circular

economy with a fair transition for

all we will only be able to do that when

if we design a bold industrial strategy

with Innovation and investment at its

heart so to a certain um extent it's not

preserving the old but via Innovation

and investment really embracing the

new we need to boost European cohesion

and regions to take everyone along and

for that we need to support people we

need to develop skills and all this

founded on our excellent social model

finally this was a lot looking at the

European Union but of course we have to

ensure that Europe can assert its

interests and lead in the world so the

external Dimension plays also a very

important role and these priorities are

reflected in the titles of the Executive

Vice Presidents which I will present in

a moment there's another

principle the treaty says very clearly

each member of the col is equal and each

commissioner has an equal responsibility

to deliver on our

priorities that means that all

Commissioners must work together and it

is in this spirit that each Executive

Vice President will also have a

portfolio to focus on for which they

will have to work with other

Commissioners so in simple words what

affects security also affects the the

economy what affects climate or

environment also affects people and vice

versa the business community and you can

can go on um with

that this is also the reason why this

time we do not have the extra layer of

Vice Presidents so we have a leaner

structure and a more interactive and


structure another topic is balance bance

balance in

general be it genda balance be it the

balance of the different topics but of

course also

geography as you will see we now have 11

women as candidates for the college that

um I will uh present today that is 40% a

share of

40% um when I received the first

nominations and I looked at the whole

pattern and the whole Tableau we were at

a point where we had a share of 22%

women and 78% men so you can imagine

that this was completely

unacceptable so I worked intensively

with the member states and we were able

to improve the share to 40% women and


men and it shows that as much as we have

achieved there is still so much more

work to do


Publ 2024-09-19

  1. Fear: Potential Shakeup in European Commission
  2. Leadership Unveiled, NewsFlash Nexus, Youtube (2024-09-17)

Mer att läsa

- EU-kommissionen (2023-05-27)
- EU-kommissionen 2024-2028 (2024-08-28)
- Europas förenta stater på väg (2024-01-13)
- Hela EU-kommissionen måste bort (2023-07-27)
- Sveriges inflytande minskar i EU (2024-01-16)
- Von der Leyen vill ha kvar makten (2023-09-13)



EU-valet 2024
Adm: Hans Iwan Bratt,